2020 Daisy Nationals

2020 Daisy Nationals
Important Info For The 2020 Daisy Nationals

Regretfully, today the decision was made to cancel the 2020 Daisy National BB Gun & Air Rifle Championship Match. This decision was not made lightly. This event is for the kids, and with the COVID-19 restrictions placed on events in our state, it simply is not possible this year.
Below is a statement from Daisy President and CEO Keith Higginbotham.

bbg match letter

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Shooting Education
Daisy Literally Wrote the Book on Shooting Education

In 1955, Daisy wrote the first organized curriculum on shooting education. The lesson plan, which starts with gun safety instruction, has evolved over the years into Daisy’s Shooting Education Ten Lesson Curriculum. The lesson plans include topics such as gun safety rules, types of firearms, safe carries, determining dominant eye, building a proper sight picture, shooting positions, range commands and more. Over the years, Daisy has teamed with the U.S. Junior Chambers of Commerce, 4-H Shooting Sports, the American Legion, the National Rifle Association, Royal Rangers, the National Guard Youth Marksmanship Program as well as scout troops, camps and church youth groups to provide instructional material, equipment and complete training kits. Daisy’s ten-lesson shooting education curriculum has been adopted by most civic organizations to teach shooting safety and marksmanship skills.

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As with any sport, part of the fun is in competition, which is why Daisy’s shooting safety and marksmanship education program also includes a competition facet. All across the country, in small classroom settings, young people are instructed on the proper handling of guns, shooting safety rules, shooting positions and marksmanship skills. Marksmanship teams, formed by these organizations, shoot weekly then compete on a local and state level. Only teams which compete and place in the top three spots in a state championship match are eligible to compete in Daisy National BB Gun Championship Match – which has been taking place since 1966. Typically, about 450 young people ages 8 to 15, qualify to compete in the 5-meter team BB gun competition annually. They shoot a muzzle-loaded single-shot BB gun, the Daisy AVANTI Champion Model 499. The Daisy AVANTI Champion Model 499 is billed as the most accurate BB gun in the world. They will shoot in four positions: prone, standing, sitting, and kneeling and be scored on a Safety Exam in order to qualify for individual and team medals.

As a point of clarification, Daisy does not certify state matches or sponsor BB teams. If you’re interested in starting a BB gun team, there are many places to get information and help. Try the National Rifle Association Airgun Program (homeairgun.nra.org), the Civilian Marksmanship Program (thecmp.org), the American Legion (legion.org) , the Junior Olympic Shooting Program (usashooting.org) or your local County Extension Agent to get information on your local 4-H Club Shooting Sports Programs. It’s also important to note that to qualify for the Daisy Nationals, state contests are not required to be NRA-sanctioned. NRA-sanctioned matches are required if you’re interested in having your shooting records recorded at the national level.

Safety Counts

At the the Daisy Nationals, a written safety test, covering information contained in the classroom curriculum, comprises a substantial percentage of each competitor’s final score. Often a top score is decided not only based on shooting ability but on the competitor’s knowledge of gun safety and resulting test score.

On the road
On the Road to the the Daisy Nationals

Qualifying for the Daisy National BB Gun Championship Match takes practice, hard work, dedication and resourcefulness. Coaches begin with weekly classes of boys and girls, ages 8 to 15. Only when the classes have completed lessons on gun safety and proper handling will they progress to the airgun range. They form their five-member teams, along with two alternate athletes, then compete at the state level for the right to attend the Daisy Nationals. Teams are responsible for their own travel costs and often secure sponsors who share in the pride of having a local team go to this prestigious match.

Longevity is a Result of Dedicated Coaches

Each year, coaches bring 7-member, 4-position, 5-meter BB gun teams (5 shooters and 2 alternates) to the Daisy Nationals. Because the ages of these team members range from eight to fourteen years old, many parents also attend; making the Daisy Nationals a family affair. Many of these coaches have been attending the Daisy Nationals for years. For example, Rod Strenge and Bob Fix have been coaching the Buffalo, Minnesota team for over thirty years. “Both the youth and the community benefit from the safety lessons learned, but most importantly, a much wider community benefits from the quality young men and women who are former shooters – men and women who are now serving in the armed forces, teaching school, running business, volunteering their talents and raising families”, Fix commented. Fix and Strenge are not the only long-term coaches. Howard Baker of Oregon and Charlie Pardue of Tennessee have each coached for over thirty-five years. Each year, at the nationals, Daisy appreciates these coaches by recognizing them among their peers on stage during our opening celebration.

Dedication & Commitment
The Dedication is High and So Is Daisy’s Commitment

Daisy will present a minimum of $700 on a prepaid credit card to every BB gun team that qualifies for, attends and competes at the Daisy Nationals in 2019. This money can be used for travel costs and equipment and will enable some teams to attend and compete who otherwise could not.

New Teams Wanted

Nothing keeps a competition exciting like new competitors. If you are interested in starting a 5-meter BB gun team, contact Daisy today for a catalog of match competition products, non-profit organization pricing and information about how to form your team.

Forms Directions
BB Gun Match Registration Forms

Acrobat format (pdf) – print, fill out neatly, and mail (postal) – cannot be saved using Acrobat Reader. The Check Off List is a convenient list that ensures you are sending in all required documents. Make it easy on yourself and print it out and use it throughout this process.
Submit ALL forms by e-mail to nationals@daisy.com.

Instructional Videos
5 meter BB Gun How To

Videos to help you get started with your 5-Meter BB Gun Team! Here are four videos that show the proper positioning for the four positions – Standing, Kneeling, Sitting and Prone.

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